Gujarat Medical Education & Research Society
Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Gujarat
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GMERS Medical College, Valsad Student Feedback Form

GMERS Medical College, Valsad Student Feedback Form This Form is designed for students of GMERS Medical College, Valsad. Students are instructed to fill the form and submit it online. The information submitted through this form will be kept secret.

Unit Posted In:  


Kindly fill the following feedback form in consensus with the whole batch.
For each item please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement by choosing Tick (√) a score between 1 and 5.
A Higher score indicates a stronger agreement with the statement.

1 = Below Average
2 = Average
3 = Good
4 = Very Good
5 = Excellent

Feedback Of Student:

1. Was the schedule of posting intimated to you in advance ?
2. Did the teachers discusses Case/Topics in detail ?
3. Does the topics covered during the posting satisfy you ?
4. Does the teachers posses adequate knowledge ?
5. Teacher Inspires me by his/her way of teaching
6. Are the classes taken regularly ?
7. The teachers are punctual to the class
8. In absence of any teacher, are alternative arrangements made ?
9. The teacher engages the class for the full duration and completes the course in time
10. The teacher comes fully prepared for the class
11. The teacher Indicates important points to remember
12. The teacher Shows genuine interest in students
13. The teacher encourages participation and discussion in class (Teacher-Student, Student-Student)
14. The teacher pays attention to academically weaker students as well
15. The teacher encourages and values disagreement
16. The teacher relates the course material with real world situations
17. Is the teacher available outside of class whenever approached ?
18. The teacher’s attitude toward the students was friendly and helpful.
19. Periodical assessments were conducted as per schedule.
20. Examination covered the topics in the Curriculum.
21.The teachers were fair and unbiased in the evaluation process
22. What were the Strengths of your present posting?

23. What are the changes (if any), which you would like to suggest for better teaching practices?

24. What changes would you suggest in the evaluation process in clinical posting?

25. Any other suggestion: